Today’s offering fits more in the YA genre, but it’s no crime for grown-ups to pull out a light read, is it?

In Rosanne Perry’s Second Fiddle, Jody, Vivian and Giselle play together in a string trio at their American school in Berlin. Army brats all, this is their last year together, since moving is the Army way of life. But before they go, they get to play in a contest at the Sorbonne in Paris.

Or do they?

Because one afternoon over in East Berlin (this is just after the wall opens), they witness a crime. These are no petty criminals the girls have stumbled across. It’s the big leagues. It’s the KGB, for crying out loud.

Perry’s book sends you back to the way you might have liked high school to be — good friends, parents that trust you enough to let you ride the trains all over the city, exciting travels, burgeoning musical talents.

There’s just that small matter of seeing some bad dudes dump a man into a dirty river.

Likable characters, secrets to keep, and a few adventures — maybe several readers at your house would like to get their hands on this book.

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