What a couple of weeks it has been!

On the one hand, we have a few littered, shaken-up and burnt-out cities. On the other, I’ve heard people I know and respect demand that we say the right words or else. 

It’s one thing to express an idea — black lives matter, which means people are hurting, so let’s help them. It’s quite another to do the bidding of an organization called Black Lives Matter. Who are these people and what do they believe?

I’m struck by the phrase, in those links, “by any means necessary.” It sounds a lot like “you have to break a lot of eggs to make an omelet.”

And now I hear “defund the police.” This idea is so absurd that I would ignore it, except that people I know and respect are now passing this idea around, “I’m open to this,” etc.

Will abolishing the police just — poof! — get rid of evil? Why did we have police in the first place? What problems are they there to solve? Have those problems gone away?

Ideas that come from the left all share some miscalculations. They’ve been tried before, leaving societies with a lot of broken eggs and no omelet.

Are these the people you want in charge of American life?

For further reading, check out this book-review post, also this one

Photo credit: Jutta M. Jenning on Visual hunt / CC BY-NC-ND